Wednesday, May 11, 2011

National Homebrew Day Revisited

Thanks to all of you who were here for Homebrew Day, especially those who helped with the brewing. Extra hands are always appreciated. We won’t know for several weeks how the brew turns out but I always eagerly anticipate that first taste.

We all enjoyed good food, good beer, and good company. Everyone brought different beers for all to enjoy. Of course my first beer was a homebrewed beer. Boulevard, New Belgium, and Ska were all well represented. There was even a 5L keg of Newcastle. I had never tried their beer delivered in that way and thought it was much better than their bottled beer. There was beer from Freestate, Guinness, and 21st Amendment Breweries available. Also, a few bombers were opened including Sierra Nevada Ovila (smooth), New Holland Envious (disappointing) and Stone Arrogant Bastard (always good) to be sampled by all. A bottle of New Glarus Belgian Red Cherry Ale seemed to be the fan favorite.

You can brew any day but National Homebrew Day is only one day a year. We made the most of it this year.

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