Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Vanilla Porter is now in the bottle

On Saturday, Nov 12th, I bottled the Vanilla Porter. The final gravity was 1.015 which will result in just under 5% abv. A taste of the pre-carbonated beer gives a malty beginning with a nice vanilla flavor at the finish. The beer seems a little drier than I anticipated. It is probably a result of the yeast. I also used this same yeast in the Spiced Holiday Ale brewed the same day. It will be interesting to see if it gives similar results.  I have ordered the ingredients for the next beer, Crazy 8 Amber Ale. If the weather stays good I will brew this weekend. With the Holiday Ale aging in the secondary I wanted something that would be ready to drink a little sooner. I have been brewing stouts and porters lately so an amber should be a nice change of pace.

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