Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My turn to watch

I was invited, through a mutual friend, to attend one of Marty's brew days at his home on Saturday, July 16th. He is a fellow home brewer and has been brewing for longer than I have and is also brewing more often than I do. He currently has 6 beers on tap, a couple more fermenting, and was brewing 2 different beers on this particular Saturday. Marty likes brewing from kits with proven recipes. After sampling few tasters from the taps I’d say the results speak for themselves, they were all easy to drink. I did go back for a full pour of one particular ipa clone that I really liked.

It was another excessive heat warning day in Kansas City, so as soon as the brewing was done we quickly moved inside for a couple of post brewing brews. As more people arrived, each bringing a beer or two along with a little food to share it was another great day to be alive.

Each brewer’s technique and brewing set up varies. Having had the opportunity to see how someone that brews good beer does it, I am encouraged that I seem to be on the right track.

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