Saturday, July 2, 2011

Like a bad movie

Up ‘til now my posts have jumped back and forth in time like a bad movie and so may be difficult to follow. The reason I started by posting about the past was to give a little background about my brewing experiences and to show that brewing is an evolutionary process, you can brew good beer with just a little investment for equipment. Often you can even borrow some of the equipment, like I did, to get started. If you get the brewing bug you can upgrade as little or as much as the budget will allow and still continue brewing. To give some relativity to the posts I have created a timeline. I am nearly up to date so the posts will be less frequent and perhaps stray off topic a little more. Also, the chronology should become a little more orderly.

Date Description
7/18/2009 Brew first batch of beer in a 20 qt stock pot on a neighbors "turkey fryer"
propane stove
8/8/2009 Bottle the first batch of beer. It shalll be known as Crazy 8 Ale
9/5/2009 Brew second batch of beer, Tight Skirt Stout, by the same method as
the Crazy 8 Ale.
10/16/2009 Bottle the Tight Skirt Stout 
10/8/2009 Purchased a damaged keg to be converted into a "keggle"
10/9/2009 Ordered couplings to be welded to the keg and a three-piece ball valve
11/5/2009 Ordered a Bayou Classic propane stove from Ace Hardware
2/26/2010 Ordered Chillzilla counterflow chiller from Northern Brewer
3/7/2010 Brew Crazy 8 Ale. First 5 gallon full boil.
5/1/2010 Brew Wee Plaid Skirt Scotch Ale on National Homebrew Day
5/7/2010 Earned my first plate at the Flying Saucer KC (200 beers)
7/3/2010 Brew Grass Skirt Wheat Ale
9/19/2010 Brew Short Skirt Vanilla Brown Porter
10/10/2010 Brew Lucky Number 7 Wheat Dopplebock (never did carbonate)
12/4/2010 Drill the holes and deburr the tube for the stove frame
1/5/2011 Stove frame welded
1/19/2011 Ordered 10" low pressure burner & tri clamp from Brewers Hardware
2/27/2011 Layout and drill burner shields
3/4/2011 Burner shields are welded
3/11/2011 Ordered 3" thermometer with 1/2" thread to fit keggle
3/11/2011 Modify the burner to fit the burner shield
3/12/2011 Test fire the 10" burner
3/20/2011 Brew Crazy 8 Ale. First brew on my single tier stove.
3/26/2011 Visit to Red-X in Riverside as posted March 28th.
4/17/2011 Brew 3C IPA
4/30/2011 Buy tri clamp set from Marty Amon in KCK for thermometer attachment.
5/4/2011 Earned my second plate at the Flying Saucer KC (400 total beers)
5/7/2011 Brew Wee Plaid Skirt Scotch Ale on National Homebrew Day.
First use of peated malt.
5/28/2011 Bottle Wee Plaid Skirt Scotch Ale
6/11/2011 Brew Tight Skirt Stout
6/26/2011 Rack Tight Skirt Stout to secondary (carboy)

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