Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pump it up

 I wrestled with how to integrate the two March pumps into the brewery. I studied how other people had mounted their pumps. I set them in place to see how they would fit. I considered mounting them together on the bottom horizontal frame tube. To make room for all of the connections and valves I would have to rotate the pump head vertically, this would require some additional elbow fittings and would also mean some connections would be very near the floor. I looked at attaching them separately to the vertical frame tubes to get them up a little higher but didn't like how close they would be to the burners. The heat may not be a problem but I didn't think it was a good idea. Finally I decided to mount them to a stand separate from the brew sculpture. This would allow me to get them up to a comfortable working height. It would also give flexibility to use the pumps separate from the brewery. Storage space is limited so I still wanted to be able to store them when not in use as part of the brew sculpture. What I ended up with is a pair of stands that break down for storage. I spaced the legs so that they would fit loosely in the frame but not allow enough movement for them to fall through.

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