Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bottling the Hefe-weizen

Bottle blaster


Sanitizer pump

  When bottling beer, like most home brewing activities, the majority of the time is spent cleaning and sanitizing. Many people prefer to keg their beer so they don’t have to deal with bottles. Why clean and store cases of bottles instead of a few kegs. And besides, bottles are breakable. For one, bottles are a lot less expensive way to get started with brewing. Besides, I can’t imagine totally giving up bottling. Once you have the process in place preparing bottles is not so bad. That is, as long as you have rinsed your bottles soon after pouring a beer. I have not kegged any beer, so I don’t really know for sure, but I think one of the big advantages would be carbonation control. I do think it would be nice to eventually have both options available.
Bottled beer

Draining on the bottle tree

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