Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chocolate Tight Skirt Stout

Roasted goodness
Saturday July 30th I brewed the Tight Skirt Stout again but with a couple of changes. Usually I don’t like to make multiple changes in one brew, it’s not good “science”. But this time that is what I did. I added a yeast nutrient to the boil as well as a couple of tablespoons of chocolate powder. I also changed yeast strains for the fermentation. The yeast nutrient is to give the yeast every opportunity for good health and vitality. The yeast change is to a less flocculent strain hoping to extend fermentation time. I will probably leave the fermenting beer in the primary tank a little longer than previous batches. The chocolate powder is added to give a slight chocolate flavor deep in the flavor profile. I will add cacao nibs in the secondary tank to provide the up front chocolate flavor and aroma. This is my first time using chocolate in my beer so we will see how it works out.

Bubble, bubble...

Brewery parts
Some assembly required


  1. Is the counterflow chiller DIY or did you puchase it? I've been wondering if anybody has made a copper in copper themselves; I myself made mine out of high temp rubber hose and 1/4 copper. Also, are you pumping or using a high head to gravity feed the line?

  2. nvm, I see that is was a chillzilla ordered from NB.

    Very nice boiler rig.

  3. Dad since when did you have a blog?!

  4. Yes, it is a Chillzilla from NB. Right now I am using gravity to move the wort from the boil kettle to the fermentation pail. My plan is to upgrade the system for all grain this winter. I will need a pump for that.
