Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Gas valves installed

I wasn't always sure how I was going to get here and I changed plans several times along the way. If I had designed it in the beginning knowing how it would take shape it may  look a little different but would probably work just the same. To date the gas valves and ignitors have been the single biggest brewery expense. I have 2 valves, 1 for the HLT and 1 for the MLT. The BK is either continuously on or off.


Friday, April 29, 2016

Fancy thermometer

push button ignitor on left,
controller on right

probe wire exiting
the thermowell

Step one of the planned temperature control upgrade is the addition of a controller with a temperature probe. I have incorporated it into the brewery at the MLT with a thermowell I ordered from Brewers Hardware. For now it is nothing more than an expensive thermometer. The next step will be the addition of a gas valve and automatic ignition system. I have been doing some research but have not ordered any parts yet.
Another project I have been working on is a mobile pegboard assembly for the clamps and hoses. I am expecting this to make brewery disassembly and temporary storage much more convenient.  

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Still brewing

Keg washer
Yes, I am still alive and brewing. There hasn’t been much new to report on the equipment front. I added a new valve.  I now have 6 in the brew system. Mostly, though, I have been learning how to brew on my system. I moved some of the valve locations for improved control. All of my temperature control is still done manually, igniting and shutting of the burner as necessary to maintain the desired temperature. This method has worked well but is rather tedious. It also means I have watch the thermometer pretty closely for the entire mash. I am now contemplating temperature control f the mash as my next major upgrade.

CO2 and regulator
I did buy a kegerator in 2015 and am now kegging beer. Everything you’ve heard about kegging is probably true. It really will simplify your life, except, of course, for all of the additional equipment you will want. I moved the gas bottle to outside the kegerator it will now hold up to three 5 gallon kegs. I currently have only the single tap tower that came with it. My hope for this year is to upgrade to a 3 tap tower.
Bulkhead fitting with washer

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Since brewing for me is an outdoor activity not much happens during the cold winter months of the year. It is a good time to dismantle the brewery, including the valves, for a good cleaning. It is also a good time for improvements. In the latest issue of Zymurgy magazine (Jan/Feb 2014), the gadget issue, one of the highlighted gadgets was a burner igniter adapted from the grill industry by Mike McMonagle. Like me, he was tired of using a grill torch to light his burner. Drawing inspiration from Mike's gadget I decided I too should have push button ignition. I went to the local hardware store and returned with a battery powered grill igniter kit. Eager to prove it would work I quickly installed it in the burner under my mash tun. The test being successful, and since the kit included two electrodes, I installed the second one under my HLT. I am able to light both burners simultaneously with just the push of a button. I will continue for now to light the boil kettle burner with the lighter because once it is lit it stays lit for an hour or more. One obstacle left to overcome is how to enclose the igniter assembly and integrate it into the brewery.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2 contests, 1 medal

This summer I entered a couple of local homebrew contests. The first was a Belgian themed contest limited to BJCP categories 16, 17 & 18. I brought home a bronze medal with my Saison (category 16c) entry. It was very exciting as this is my first medal.

The second contest was open to all categories. They did combine several similar categories into groups for judging. I entered a Scotch Wee Heavy (category 9e). I did not win any medals for this beer. But I will get some valued feedback once I pick up my scoresheets. 

Contests are a great way to get an honest opinion of your beer. It takes both effort and commitment to become a BJCP certified judge, it also takes a certain love for beer. Contests allow you to receive an evaluation of your beer, in a blind tasting, from at least one of these judges.

Of course I want to win every contest I enter, but, the real goal is to learn from them and to keep improving.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Learning by drinking

I have now done four all-grain brews. So far only two of those have been bottled, the other two are sitting in carboys. With each brew session I learn a little more about the brewing process and my brewery. Of course there is also a lot to learn from tasting the results! I have added a few more clamps to make it easier to assemble and disassemble the brewery.  It looks like my next big project, maybe this winter, will be a better way to control the mash temperatutre. The way I am doing it now makes it tedious and a little difficult to maintain very tight control.  I am recirculating the mash which seems to be working out pretty good. However, I am controlling the burner manually, which is okay, but I am also igniting the burner with a lighter. I will be doing some research before making any changes but I think my next upgrade will be to add a gas valve and a pilot light. It may not lead to better beer but it should make brewing a little easier. Cheers!


Monday, April 22, 2013

My first all grain brew day

I brewed my first all grain beer on Sunday April 14th. The whole process, from start to finish, takes longer compared to extract brewing. There is more equipment to both set up at the start and more equipment to clean at the end. Also, the process itself takes longer because of the mash time. Even though it takes longer it seems somehow to take place at a more relaxed pace.

I have come a long way since my first brew on a borrowed turkey fryer. But, as far as I have come in terms of brewing equipment and my understanding of the process I still have a lot to learn. That, for me, is what keeps it exciting.

I converted one of my extract recipes to all grain estimating the conversion factor. Based on the amount of grain I started with and my starting gravity my brewery efficiency was low, probably in the low to mid 60% range. That is about 10% less than what I was hoping for. I think I need to mash at a slightly higher temperature and, probably more importantly, extend the mash-out time. I know I am already looking forward to my next brew session.