Thursday, July 12, 2012

A big step forward

It's been a while since my last post. I haven't been doing much brewing, only three batches so far this year. Unfortunately I have been preoccupied with some home and auto repair projects. I'd much rather be brewing. With the purchase of two new March 815 pumps I just took a big step, and financial commitment, forward toward all grain brewing. Of course the commitment doesn't stop with the pumps. I need three new valves, an assortment of fittings, and a few feet of tubing to connect everything together and control the flow. As I mentioned above, I have brewed three batches. The first was the Hefeweizen from previous posts. The second was a Scottish Wee Heavy that I brewed for the Kansas City Irish Festival Homebrew Contest, I will update later with the results. The third was an IPA that I have brewed before but with some changes. It is better than before but still needs a little adjustment to the hop profile. The IPA boil was also the first time I have used pellet hops and is something I will do again.